Wednesday, July 12, 2006


De sidste to uger har set nogle imponerende udviklinger i Pipskimusen. Sidste Lørdag tog hun hendes første rigtig skridt, helt ubevidst og uprovokeret. Mette og jeg var over lykkeligt og helt pjættede med at røs hende (hun anede ikke hvad vi snakkede om). Indtil videre har hendes længest prestation været circa ni skridt, uden at fald. Vi har prøvet at filme det, men indtil videre har det ikke været de stor success.

I det hel taget er hun ret frem i skoerne. Sammenlignet med de andre piger i hendes mødergruppe og Mathias som bor ned under (alle er et par måneder ældre en Freja) er hun klart længre frem! Hun er også langt mere 'talende' og i stand til at udtryk sig selv end de andre børn, men det er nok bar min stolthed som føler en såden glæd og stolthed over min lille vinunderbarn. Heh heh heh.
I morgen er hun 11 måneder gammel.

The last two weeks have seen some huge improvements in the Pip. Last saturday she took her first real steps and snce then has demonstrated this feat several times. So far her longest unaided trip has been about eight or nine steps, without falling at the end. Mette and I were as proud as Punch of course and we've tried to capture the moment on video.
On the whole her development is coming along very quickly. Compared to the other children of her age we know she appears to be moving quite briskly along. She is able to move about and articulate herself far more than I had imagined, though no doubt all parents feel such unbound wonder and amazement. Tomorrow she will be 11 months old.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jan finerly got round to checking your "blogspot???" out preaty cool. look forward to seeing my nise walk maybe in the weekend as i will be in Århus working on the Sting concert to be held there, take care love L'il P

moif said...

I'll show you how to do it in the week end if you like. Are you still coming? Mette and Freja won't be here, but they will when you n your GF come over.

marinergrim said...

Never worry about how your child is dong in comparison to others. It's a parent thing and means absolutely nothing. All children develop at their own pace, but you'll find that by five they'll all be at roughly the same level of development. By seven they're nearly all equal and by thirteen you'll be beyond caring. Children develop at different rates - but more intresetingly they develop different abilities at different rates as well.

Just be proud of her and give your love and support. That's all that matters.