Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Trying to figure out html...

Two groups comparable in intelligence, identical in race, not grossly different in social origin, earning about the same incomes, who do not communicate at all, and have so little in common that instead of going from Burlington House or South Kensington [Londons shrines to science] to Chelsea [her home of the arts] one might have crossed an ocean... because after a few thousand Atlantic miles one found Greenwich Village talking precisely the same language as Chelsea and both having about as much in communication with M.I.T. as though scientists spoke Tibetan.

The greatest homage the Middle Ages offered the architect-engineer was to represent the Almighty, in thirteenth and fourteenth century miniatures, as an architect-engineer Himself, measuring the universe with a large compass. It is as if today, in a film on the Almighty, God were to be represented programming a computer.


Anonymous said...

If you need a hand with HTML, let me know.

There's lots of good stuff here:

You probably won't need all of it as your blog software is probably taking care of most of your needs.

moif said...

Thanks for the link Ken.
At the moment I'm looking at widening the central field. The text body is too narrow. It makes the pages too long and gets in the way of writing about anything in depth.