Thursday, April 20, 2006


I’m stuck for now with the inn because I’ve run out of roofing parts. So whilst I’m making new tile segments (with plaster in a latex mould) I’ve started on my next ship model, the Nao and ‘laid down' the keel and made her stem-post. The keel itself measures 374mm, but with the stem and stern I think the ship may reach 450mm. This translates roughly to a real life vessel, some 30 metres long, which is probably a deal greater than a real Nao would be. By comparison, Columbus’s Santa Maria was a puny 18 metres long (70ft), which would translate, in 28mm scale to a model roughly 270mm long. Image.

The reason why the model is so large though is because my war gaming figures are based on 23mm circular bases that translates to the fighting area of the individual element. This base makes the figure clumsy around models, so everything has to be adapted to fit the bases. Getting the models to fit the figures and still retain a realistic scale is 50% of the process.


Pipskimus has invented a new way to express her dissatisfaction; she pulls a grumpy face, (see the first image) then starts snorting and breathing heavily through her nose. Its not certain how bad tempered she is, because sometimes this leads to a screaming out burst, but other times she starts blowing raspberries and bubbles or even ‘grinning’ (hard to do when you only have one tiny little tooth). The second image is just one of those funny pictures you some times get when you catch people ‘off guard’.


bucket said...

do you play an kind of D&D game with these models?

Also do you sail?

just being nosey :)

moif said...

Yes, I play various role playing games with my friends (but not D&D), though the models are used for table top wargaming games. I'm just a big kid at heart.

I don't sail though I once went sailing in the Irish sea and it was such a miserable, cold, wet affair that left me with a distaste for the open sea.

I do however like the 'romantic notion' of sailing! My favourite novels include the Jack Aubrey books by Patrick O Brian.
