Thursday, January 11, 2007


Directed by Dave McKean, with some help from Neil Gaiman and Jim Hensons creature shop.

I kept hearing contradictatory reviews of this film. Some people loved it and some hated it, and having now seen it for myself, I can understand both points of view. Its a good film, very well made despite a tiny budget, but it does have a serious flaw some where obscure. I wasn't quite able to put my finger on it, but its there some where. It was most apparent in the almost abrupt ending and I suspect the flaw lies in the pacing, plot or what ever. Where ever it is, it isn't in any aspect of the film that matters too much to me. I liked 'MirrorMask' for its ambience. The imagary was good and the music fitted the mood perfectly. The film really did have the quality of a dream, and it even features Andy Hamilton (one of my favourite comedians) in a cameo role. The actress playing the lead role was almost too pretty to be real, but I could over look this since she is very easy on the eyes.

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